Get Out There!
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to help someone less fortunate than yourself or you want to contribute to society in a meaningful way. You are, can be, will be the result of your passion. People are people and humans rely on other humans. You can make a difference, If you believe. Apostle O’dell & Mother Jean M. Lyerly believed and accomplished great works during there time on planet Earth.
People have experienced a need for certain things whether for family, friends and/or associates then go on to create something to fit that need. Volunteering, writing books, inventions, hobbies & gadgets all meet the criteria for getting out there! We can continue to celebrate & do the needed work! Let’s remember our Founders. There is still a lot of work to do!
Should’a, Could’a, Would’a -No Regrets, Dream Big, Make your Move & Don’t Stop!
Help yourself by helping someone. Go ahead & Get out there!