By O’Dell Lyerly

Copyright 1994: Library of Congress

Nothing For Granted

Ever wonder why little success

and much aggravation

I don’t know how far she went in school,

It was not planned far enough in advance

with the proper preparation.

If you have an event in mind

it need not be a new invention

But should be carefully outlined

and given lots of attention.

You can not assume it’s going to happen

then let your assumption go free

Because things just don’t happen

they need much help from you & me.

Success doesn’t come over night

nor spring in the light of one day

It comes when things are properly planned

and done in the proper way.

So next time you plan a program

don’t just throw thoughts in the air

You must work out every detail

then advertise with personal care.

Don’t blame others for not cooperating

if they did not do their share

it may be, you did not plan to love

with zest and tender care.